UX Designer with over 15 years of experience, specializing in designing data-driven software applications

Exit Oasis Web Platform

Exit Oasis Web Platform

User Research   /   User Personas   /   Information Architecture   /   Wireframes   /   Interactive Prototype   /   Usability Testing


Exit Oasis is a web platform designed to provide small business owners
information on the value and process of building a sellable business.


Exit Oasis has partnered with the Prime Digital Academy UX design team to understand and determine user groups, what resources (e.g., content, tools, services) their users consider helpful when creating a sellable business, and whether, or what kind of a subscription model for content and support would address their needs.

Target Audience:

-  May be too small for brokers
-  Make too little to pay consultants
-  Rejected by the marketplace

The CLient

As part of a new business offering, Exit Oasis would like to develop an experience that connects business owners with the resources they need to prepare to sell their business.

Our client believes that it’s difficult for these types of business owners to find reliable information in the current landscape and aims to provide relief by presenting well curated information, resources and confidence in developing an exit strategy.


Interviews, paper prototypes

Interviews, paper prototypes



The UX team conducted interviews, a competitive audit, a digital card sorting exercise and  paper prototypes. 

Key Findings 

- Users prefer concise and informative headlines
- Users like to watch brief, well-produced informative videos
- Users are interested in testimonials and relevant credentials

User Personas:

Interview findings were used to create two different personas that create a shared understanding of Exit Oasis users and guide further design choices. Shared values: curation, value, and credibility.

- Novice Ned: Non-experienced user
- Bullet-Point Betty: Experienced user


Content Grouping And Wireframes

Evaluated research data along with client provided content and organized the information into categories to organize the platform. 

Prototype And User Testing

After determining the platform’s information layout, we prototyped pages for the site, made them into an interactive prototype and tested it by video conference calls with small business owners.

- Are the project goals and user needs met?
- Is the information presented in a useful manner?
- Is it easy to understand?
- Is the information valuable and relatable?
- Does the site seem credible and trustworthy?

Through this testing we were able to identify points of confusion, disengagement, and concern. We were also able to reinforce areas that were working, which helped us narrow in on areas to change for the next iteration.